Welcome! Haere Mai!
Within this website you will find many pages of information to help find people you knew or family members that went to this school. I have made sure that nearly every last bit of archival information that the New Zealand Theosophical Society has, is on this site. I do hope you will have much pleasure in looking around it and sharing this website with others. It is with the permission from the NZ Theosophical Society that this website has been created.
You will find lots of references to the New Zealand Theosophical Society, its founders, members and sometimes, the Masters. Then, what was taught by the society, are not unusual ideas to people nowadays such as reincarnation and karma. In fact many groups have sprung up all around New Zealand using words such as aura's, karma, etheric fields etc that were used in early theosophical literture.
In 2009 we had a wonderful reunion to celebrate the goodness of the teachers and their unique and marvellous teaching methods in a beautiful environment.
You will find lots of references to the New Zealand Theosophical Society, its founders, members and sometimes, the Masters. Then, what was taught by the society, are not unusual ideas to people nowadays such as reincarnation and karma. In fact many groups have sprung up all around New Zealand using words such as aura's, karma, etheric fields etc that were used in early theosophical literture.
In 2009 we had a wonderful reunion to celebrate the goodness of the teachers and their unique and marvellous teaching methods in a beautiful environment.
There is a sitemap that can help you find the pages of information that you need.